Roll Up Your Sleeves and Help Others!

Help your neighbors. There are lots of opportunities to volunteer at the IW Clothing Center at 751 Twinbrook Parkway in Rockville.

Questions about volunteering or scheduling a volunteer group at the Interfaith Works Clothing Center? Please contact Miranda Marks,, (240) 728-6489.

Sort and organize donated clothes & household goods on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

The Interfaith Works Clothing Center (IWCC) distributes donated items free of charge to IWCC clients so they can pay for rent, food, and other expenses. Thousands of individuals, businesses, schools, camps, service organizations and congregations donate time and goods, which make our program possible. We are proud to provide the link between people in our community who have things they no longer need or want with the people in the community who are in desperate need of the same items.

Our hours to volunteer are Tuesday through Friday, 8 AM to 4:00 PM, and Saturday 9 AM to 2 PM. The Clothing Center receives over 400,000 pounds of donations every year and our volunteers help us sort through those donations. In addition to sorting, volunteers will greet donors and help bring in their donations, and also help us prepare the store area so that our clients feel dignified while shopping.


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