Supportive Housing Programs
Interfaith Works operates a variety of supportive housing programs throughout Montgomery County. IW provides permanent housing for about 300 clients living on- and off-site. All housing options include case management services to support our clients and help them to achieve their goals.
IW Shared Supportive Housing
Priscilla's House, Becky's House, and Lon's House - collectively known as the IW Shared Supportive Housing (SSH) Program - are permanent supportive housing programs in the community for adults with disabilities and a history of homelessness. The programs provide a welcoming, smaller home environment that delivers 24-hour staff monitoring and case management to 7 - 8 residents.
IW Residences
The IW Residences (IWR) Program provides permanent supportive housing in private living quarters for 21 people who previously experienced homelessness. Residents have a private living space with a shared kitchen and community space. IWR helps highly vulnerable individuals maintain stable housing by providing medication management, 24-hour staff support, and case management.
IW Community Supportive Housing
IW's Community Supportive Housing (CSH) Program is a scattered-site, permanent supportive housing program for individuals and families who have previously experienced homelessness. Case managers meet with clients in their homes and in the community to support them in remaining stably housed. IW case managers connect residents to community service providers, including the IW Vocational Services Program and IW Connections.
IW Rapid Rehousing
The IW Rapid Rehousing (RRH) Program provides supportive services to formerly homeless single adults receiving temporary housing subsidies from Montgomery County Health and Human Services – Services to End and Prevent Homelessness. The program is designed to assist individuals in maintaining housing in scattered sites across Montgomery County with the goal of increasing income and achieving housing independence.