A Culture of Service - Letter from the CEO

Volunteers from Highlight Church serving at the IW Clothing Center

“Service simply means we embrace the possibility of living for more than ourselves.” 

-Governor Wes Moore 

Dear Friend:

I was so inspired by the inaugural address of Maryland Gov. Wes Moore. His comments about the need for all of us to answer a call to service resonated deeply.

As you know so well, service is an essential ingredient in Interfaith Works’ success. For IW to make a difference in the lives of more than 35,000 of our neighbors each year, we rely upon our 7,000 dedicated volunteers. You help expand the reach and impact of our programs. You bring in new perspectives and ideas, which can lead to improved services and increased effectiveness. You also serve as advocates and ambassadors. You are our backbone and our heartbeat. 

That culture of service extends to our board, and to our dedicated, passionate staff. As you might imagine, working in the social service field addressing the needs of neighbors who are confronting complex problems is not just a career choice – it is a calling. 

That commitment becomes even more important as we face new challenges. We are making great strides in meeting the needs of our neighbors. But we are seeing some worrisome, destabilizing trends. 

The demands on our programs in some areas are shifting and increasing. We know this both anecdotally and from data that, for example, indicate more of our clients find themselves facing eviction notices or unable to pay their rent due to steep increases. From the first quarter of our fiscal year to the second quarter, our Connections program saw requests for rental assistance jump by 85 percent. As stability becomes ever more elusive, we are renewing our commitment to helping our neighbors find a pathway to achieve it. 

No matter how rocky the road ahead may be, we continue to draw great strength from you, knowing that you too have embraced the call to serve our neighbors. Thank you for traveling with us.  

With great gratitude -

Courtney Hall



A Delicate Time - Letter from the CEO


MLK Day 2023