Brittany Rios Brittany Rios

From the CEO - Growing Strong

It has been a tough year, hasn’t it?

I have heard from plenty of colleagues and friends that they are very ready to put 2021 in the rear-view mirror. This year has brought plenty of pain. But for me and for our organization, it also has revealed lasting lessons that will inform the important work that we do in the year ahead.

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Brittany Rios Brittany Rios

Thankful for a Special Volunteer

The Interfaith Works Clothing Center and Food Hub are tremendously grateful for all our volunteers. We want to highlight one volunteer in particular: Susan Henry. She recently passed the 1,000-hour mark for volunteer hours!

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News Brittany Rios News Brittany Rios

Honoring the Memory of Neighbors Who Are Gone

IW CEO Courtney Hall and IW Senior Case Manager Katie Guzzey joined nonprofit, faith, and governmental leaders at a service honoring the memory of individuals who had experienced homelessness and passed away during 2020 and 2021. The event was an opportunity to reflect on the importance of ensuring a home for everyone in Montgomery County and that the experience of homelessness is rare, brief and one-time only.

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