Statement Regarding Plight of Middlebrook Mobile Home Park Residents

Interfaith Works is dedicated to preventing homelessness and providing programs that serve as a catalyst to help lift vulnerable neighbors out of poverty. In light of our mission, we are concerned about the plight of residents of Middlebrook Mobile Home Park in Germantown. Some residents of this community, many of whom are immigrants, face the possibility of eviction or losing access to water due to unusually large water bills they cannot afford to pay.

We support calls for transparency regarding threats to the housing status of and water access for Middlebrook residents over these bills. Advocacy group CASA of Maryland has filed suit on behalf of the affected tenants at Middlebrook. Learn more here.

Recognizing that access to clean water is a basic human right, Interfaith Works is partnering with local and national organizations and utility companies to address threats to water access for those facing financial crises due to the pandemic. We agree with County Council President Tom Hucker that a caring community such as Montgomery County should work to protect vulnerable residents who have been disproportionately affected by the health and economic impacts of COVID-19.

Get a copy of this statement here.


July Community Conversation: Understanding the Faces of Homelessness


Resting on a Cloud