Reaching Higher

Lisa (not her real name), an IW Vocational Services Program (VSP) client, enrolled in ESOL for Adults classes offered by Montgomery College. She attends class for four hours on Saturday mornings. Because she also is enrolled in VSP’s Paid Training Program, Lisa receives a stipend of $15 for each completed class hour. With the support of grant funds, IW has instituted the Paid Training Program to provide incentives and support to VSP clients who want to expand their skills and education to help them find better jobs.

Lisa is currently employed with Montgomery County Public Schools in a general labor job. She found this position thanks to the support and guidance of her IW vocational counselor. While she is happy to be employed, Lisa has aspirations. Her dream is to work as a Teacher's Assistant. She continues to be an active participant in IW’s VSP program, committed to improving her English skills so she can reach her career goals.


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