From the CEO: A Sense of Renewal

Dear Friend:

We are feeling renewed at IW, and not just because it is springtime (at last!).  

 As you may have seen, we celebrated a glorious Interfaith Works Day earlier this month. So many of our partners joined together to pay tribute to IW’s 50-year commitment to meeting the needs of our Montgomery County neighbors. County Council President Gabe Albornoz moved many of us to tears with his description of IW as more than just a collection of programs and buildings:

“This place has a soul. It has a heartbeat. You can feel it as soon as you walk through those doors.” 

Our hard-working staff took a moment to join in the celebration, wearing their special tee-shirts, eating commemorative cupcakes, and doing interviews with the media to express their deep commitment to this work. You can see some great news coverage and photos from the event here.

Interfaith Works’ Community Supportive Housing team, showing off their IW birthday tee-shirts.

Renewal also comes from a powerful sense that we are all in this work together. April is Volunteer Appreciation Month, and we could not adequately serve our neighbors without our dedicated volunteers. To honor the contributions of all our volunteers, we will be featuring profiles of some of them on our website. What speaks to me most deeply is something I’ve heard so often from our volunteers: in serving others, they receive as much as they give. That is a beautiful sentiment.

And finally, you are a source of renewal. Your commitment to our neighbors and our work provides an incredible lift. Thank you for all that you do, and happy spring!

In partnership,


Courtney Hall


PS: I invite you to join us to continue the celebration at our May 14 50th Birthday Casino Night. This fundraiser promises to be a fun evening of live music, exciting games, great food, and intriguing raffle and silent auction items. Learn more HERE.


Celebrating Interfaith Works Day!


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