A Welcome Sense of Renewal

Spring brings such a welcome sense of renewal. The concept of renewal also is central to our work at IW. With your help, our essential services provide those we serve with important opportunities to begin anew, turn a corner, and head toward something better.

We certainly are ready to be refreshed after the long year-plus we all have endured managing under pandemic conditions. Your steadfast support continues to infuse crucial resources so we can renew our efforts to meet people where they are and address their needs on an individualized basis. You can support our summer appeal (marking the end of our traditional fiscal year) here.

Speaking of renewal:

We are very excited to share that a huge undertaking is underway to renew and refresh Becky’s House IW’s permanent supportive residence serving eight senior women with chronic physical and behavioral health conditions, many of whom experienced long periods of homelessness before they found a home at Becky’s House. We are collaborating with Rebuilding Together of Montgomery County, along with other supporting partners including some of you, to make transforming changes.

These projects will improve residents’ quality of life on many levels. The modifications will address personal space and privacy challenges. The changes include reconfiguring space to provide more storage areas and enhanced places for residents to meet individually with IW staff. During construction, residents will stay in a hotel, thanks to a generous donor, and will take part in restorative activities including getting manicures and dining out at a restaurant.

Many thanks to all who have stepped up to support this effort. This initiative is one example of the special projects we pursue to have a deeper impact on our clients’ lives and experiences; with your support, we could do even more across all IW programs.

Stay tuned as we get closer to the Becky’s House “big reveal”!

Wishing you a refreshing spring –

Courtney Hall



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The Strength of a Mother’s Love