A Fresh Start

Do you remember that “fall feeling” just before the start of a new school year? Thinking back, I remember a sense of anticipation, maybe mixed with just a bit of trepidation. Would I be assigned to a homeroom with my friends? Would I like my teachers? Would I feel ready to take on new classes?

This fall, I am certain young students are feeling these emotions and many, many more. As you may have seen in the media, a year of remote learning has had a particularly negative impact on families with low incomes who don’t have the resources that other families do. Parents who hold down hourly-wage jobs didn’t have the option to work from home and assist their children in getting online to participate in classes. They had to go to work so they could put food on the table and pay the rent. In addition, many families fell into the gap that we know as the digital divide — access to the Internet and technology is not universal.

To me, this is why our annual back-to-school backpack campaign is more important than ever. Our students are in recovery mode. We want them to feel affirmed, ready, and positive about the year to come. There is something about a brand new backpack filled with supplies that can provide a boost. I recall that feeling too!

We are so grateful to those of you who have supported our campaign already. We hope those of you who have not yet will choose to support our campaign. Our goal is to help at least 3,000 students. As we distribute backpacks throughout August, there still is time to put smiles on more young people’s faces and help them get a fresh start this school year.

You can learn more here.

With great gratitude,

Courtney Hall



Policy Forum on Child Care

