From the CEO: The Journey So Far

It feels a little hard to believe, but next month marks my first year as CEO of Interfaith Works. It has been a year filled with challenges and with inspiration.

There are many things that have impressed me in my year with IW. Perhaps the most important one is that when a need arises, we are there, often working in partnership with this generous community.

When COVID-19 restrictions mandated the opening of an additional emergency shelter to ensure the health and safety of women experiencing homelessness, we were ready and able to meet that challenge. When COVID-19 challenged our neighbors’ ability to feed their families, we launched a regional hub to distribute free food to hundreds of families each week.

When Montgomery County expanded resources devoted to rapidly re-housing individuals and families so they could quickly find stability outside of the shelter system, our staff was there to implement that initiative. When flooding displaced so many families from the Rock Creek Woods apartments, with the community’s incredible support, IW was there to help them get back on their feet. When Becky’s House, IW’s permanent supportive home for older women with disabilities, needed major updates, our staff collaborated with partners and volunteers to undertake an exciting, large-scale transformation that has made it a more welcoming place for its residents.

We are undergoing a transformation as an organization as well, as we get ready to celebrate IW’s 50th anniversary and implement a new strategic plan that maps out the road ahead. I look forward to sharing more news as we recommit to the fundamental mission and purpose of this great organization with new energy.

While there undoubtedly will be challenges ahead, what I know will remain the same is the people — those who make sure our neighbors get not just what they need to survive but also what they need to find pathways to stability. I am speaking both of our passionate, committed staff, and of you, our faithful supporters who provide time, in-kind donations, and financial support. You are an important reason I know that, when a need arises, with your support and help, IW will be there. I look forward to the journey ahead with you.

With gratitude,


Courtney Hall



Fall Fun


Family Garden Event at IW Hub